Let's save some time (Gaming)

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, August 04, 2020, 23:04 (1640 days ago) @ Vortech

I don't think that's a very fair summary of the arguments.

My point, from the very first post I made, was this:

If this is an indication of a problem in the gaming industry as a whole, I find it an interesting conversation. If it's just another example of why we should hate Blizzard, I don't really care.

You can try and spin that as me being nitpicky about the language, or me being uncaring towards workers, or me trying to deflect from a real issue... but it's really none of those things. It's Cody coming in here with a pretty-light-on-facts article, and attempting to draw some pretty wide-ranging conclusions from it, and me not being willing to be drawn into that kind of conversation. I don't particularly like Blizzard, I don't need another article telling me how much they suck as a company. I didn't learn anything that shocked me enough to get out of my chair and picket for Blizzard employees, that's for sure.

I think the question of whether the gaming industry, as a whole, is fair or unfair to its workers is an interesting question, and probably worth discussing here (if there's enough interest from others). I think the question of whether Blizzard sucks or not isn't.

And while it's absolutely fine to come in here and discuss whether Blizzard sucks or not... it's also absolutely fine for me to say "I'm not interested" and not participate. (I participated at first because I thought that there was a CHANCE that we were going to have the wider discussion. I left when it was clear we weren't.)

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