
PvP Maps (Gaming)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 10:25 (1182 days ago) @ squidnh3

This is really damn good. It feels great. The maps I’ve played on have all been great (Bungie could learn a thing or three).

In Bungies Defense, I don't think they have even tried to make good PvP maps. Some of them are just the worst maps ever created in videogames, I'm not even joking.

Here. Let me add this random image for no reason.

That map is actually fine, just not for 6v6.

Bungie does a really good job on the subtle things in maps. When you spawn into a Bungie-made map, you almost always know exactly where you are and what things are happening where on the map. They do a great job of putting memorable reference points and skybox type things to provide that orientation. However, it is not uncommon for their maps to have brutal chokepoints or spawn traps, where the "I can't walk anywhere without getting sniped in the face" effect is strong.

343 on the other hand has the opposite problem, their maps very rarely seem to have gameplay problems, but they are often missing the stuff that Bungie does for orientation, and I often find myself fighting over areas of the map without any context for what might be going on elsewhere.

It occurs to me, in reading your post, that I was too broad in describing my distaste. Yet, on the same coin, you've literately called out the major source of my distaste. That being: "However, it is not uncommon for their maps to have brutal chokepoints or spawn traps, where the "I can't walk anywhere without getting sniped in the face" effect is strong."

As for art, I agree with your point involving (I presume) Halo: Infinite's maps, but only for the Large BTB variants. There is not enough geographic iconography in certain spots, and I'll even add in a note that the (beta) skybox is rather... passable. Yet on the smaller Halo: Infinite maps, where 4V4 is in play, I've found it with a game or two easy to recall and figure out locations. The map "Streets" which I've called out, is fantastic example of this. It really does feel like a Bungie map of old to me, by and large.

Yet, art aside, if we played these maps graybox - no art just pure geo - which would bring the most possibility of fun to be had? The one you get lost in, or the one you get trapped (and probably shall) lose in?

It's odd that a game (Destiny) so seemingly based in movement as a core part of its current play would have maps that restrict one of the very tenets that brings so much fun into its game play.

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