
Who's Killing Cinema? (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, December 06, 2023, 17:38 (407 days ago) @ Kermit
edited by Cody Miller, Wednesday, December 06, 2023, 17:59

That some people are still playing Destiny and it's still fun isn't news-worthy. No one is out there writing that story.

People are making posts here about it, and speaking of YouTube, the videos I've watched about the new dungeon in particular are pretty enthusiastic, but this is true: if it bleeds it leads.

Speaking of youtube, I watched your Death of Cinema link.


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So I watched it.

The title should actually be “Who is killing adult oriented dramas?”

Now, I’m not an expert, and this is just my own rumination. Everything he says is probably a little bit right and certainly factors, but I think it’s more cultural. You might think I’m totally wrong here. I’m willing to tell you it’s a narrow perspective.

I think it has to do with the declining emotional intelligence of younger generations.

The data are pretty clear here. Younger generations are less horny. They are less socially insightful. They are more neurotic. Dreadful. Nervous. More isolated from community.

Adult Oriented Dramas are all about emotions. That’s the whole point of them. So when we have younger generations that are emotionally impoverished, then it makes absolute sense why they would not want to see these types of films.

Young people don’t think sex scenes should go in movies anymore. What the fuck? An emotionally intense action, that can be riddled with joy, passion, conflict, shame, and who knows how many other complex emotions, is seen as ‘unnecessary’! That might have to do with all the antidepressants people are on now decreasing their sex drives, but it goes even beyond just sex. ANY sort of fraught or emotionally charged situations are met with revulsion. The mere existence of trigger warnings proves their inability to properly navigate painful emotions.

I don’t think it’s their fault. Like, I totally get why people would WANT these warnings, because having a fucking panic attack in the middle of a theater sucks. But such a person has been done a disservice when they’ve been told the way to avoid that is to avoid intense emotions altogether, rather than learning to deal with and process them.

I probably sound like a boomer, but yeah. Adult Oriented Dramas are dying because people genuinely do not seem to want to navigate complex adult feelings anymore.

Paramount Plus spent 200 million dollars on a Halo TV show. Do you know anyone who actually watched that show? No, of course not.


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