
What if Destiny was $60 with 2 FREE expansions? (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, July 15, 2014, 12:33 (3582 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Seropian tried this with Wideload Games. Worked okay, I guess, but I remember reading an interview after the studio dissolved, saying the experiment wasn't really a success.

That's right, Wideload was trying something similar. (If you find that interview link that'd be great). I don't think it worked out for a few reasons. I'm guessing:

1. They were in Chicago, and most of the game development talent is not. He worked remotely with folks elsewhere, and that's really hard. In the film industry, working long distance in post rarely works out well. The producers, director, and editor are close to the rest of post.
2. The entire industry doesn't work this way, so the really talented people aren't being hired as contractors, leaving him with what he can get.

He specifically mentioned looking at the film industry for inspiration, and I think that these two things may have contributed to the 'failure'. I'm just guessing, but if you have the link that'd be great.

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