How much endgame content was there in Halo? (Destiny)

by kapowaz, Wednesday, July 30, 2014, 02:34 (3781 days ago) @ Kermit

This "endgame" content is part of an MMO model. I don't know how people know that that is the model that Destiny will follow. I would have loved additional Reach story, but I got nowhere near the level cap in Reach, and this model seems to be for leveled up players only.

Based on the beta, it seems pretty hard for me to not think of Destiny as an MMO. I suspect the same will be true of anyone who has played one much in the past. So many hallmarks of an MMO were present that it definitely feels closer to one than (say) Diablo III or a Borderlands game. For those who've avoided them entirely (or mostly) I can understand the confusion, but I think Bungie shares the blame there by insisting that it wasn't an MMO, when really they were just trying to keep their core audience (some of whom are pretty anti-MMO) from being disinterested.

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