
The DBO Challenge - Week 1: Write a haiku.

by ncsuDuncan @, Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 20:53 (4283 days ago)


Welcome to the DBO Challenge!

Every Tuesday evening, a new challenge thread will be posted here on the forum. (Yes, I know this is being posted Wednesday night. I meant to have this up yesterday!)

Since we aren't all as artistically talented as Leviathan or TDSpiral, the challenges will be designed to encourage a wide range of activities, from writing limericks to cobbling together MS Paint doodles. An assortment of puzzles and forum games await.

The Leaderboard

Participating in each weekly challenge will earn you points on the leaderboard, with bonus points awarded to outstanding entries. Points will be tracked on a Google spreadsheet accessible here:

The DBO Challenge Leaderboard (http://destiny.bungie.org/dbochallenge)

As you can see, I've already awarded one point to everyone that participated in the two "DBO Logo Hunt" threads. :) Future challenges will require more than just posting comments in a thread though!

(PLEASE let me know if I ever make a mistake or forget to award your points, preferably in an email with a link to your post/entry.)

Note: DBO admins and Bungie employees can earn participation points for fun, but cannot earn bonus points and cannot win prizes. An asterisk next to their names on the leaderboard serves as a reminder.

The Prizes

The DBO Challenge will end on a Tuesday roughly two weeks before Destiny's official US release (whenever that is). At that point, two winners will be selected:

The Leaderboard Winner: Whoever has the most cumulative points at the end of the Challenge.
The Leaderboard Prize: One free copy of Destiny on your platform of choice. (Approx. $60 + shipping.)

The Lottery Winner: Randomly selected from all qualifying entrants (you must have at least 3 points on the leaderboard to qualify). Each point counts as one "lottery ticket", so participating every week and earning more points will increase your chances of winning.
The Lottery Prize: One free copy of the Limited Edition of Destiny (assuming there is one) on your platform of choice. (Approx. $100-150 + shipping.)

Note: You cannot win both prizes. Each prize might change before the challenge ends, but will always be equal to or greater than the values listed above. More prizes may be added at a later date, possibly including the occasional weekly prize. ;)

LURKERS: You can enter as well! Just keep in mind that you'll need at least 3 points to your name before the Lottery takes place to be included in the drawing - participate in at least 3 weekly challenges to guarantee entry!


Week 1: Write a haiku.

Deadline: 5:00pm EDT on Tuesday, March 19th.

Since it's already Wednesday, this week's challenge will be a simple one - just write a haiku and post it in this thread!
- It can be about Destiny, Bungie, DBO, or anything relevant to our community. (Please don't post someone else's old haiku.)
- Entries must follow the standard haiku form (5-7-5 syllables) to qualify for points. (You can post a non-standard haiku for fun, of course.)
- Increased payouts will be awarded to three winners (as picked by me) in the following categories:

One person will get 2 points for the "Best" Funny Haiku.
One person will get 2 points for the "Best" Serious Haiku.
One person will get 4 points for the "Best" Haiku Overall (funny or serious).

Everyone else will get 1 point for participation.

- You can post multiple entries! They'll all be considered for the bonus categories, but you may only win points from one category per week.

This week's entries must be posted (in this thread) by 5:00pm EDT on Tuesday, March 19th. I will then pick the category winners, update the leaderboard, and post the results along with the Week 2 challenge.

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