
Disk version for Xbone is also $30... (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, May 13, 2015, 00:02 (3425 days ago) @ RaichuKFM

What's P.T.?

It was (is) an amazingly well-crafted PS4 horror game (it was a teaser, but served as a standalone first-person puzzle game). The thing about it was the way the internet exploded with people trying to figure out how to solve the puzzles, interpret the meanings, and speculate on everything, since nobody had any idea what they were in for, or how to piece together the bits and pieces. I had not seen such an impromptu community form as quickly or as enthusiastically since Halo 2's "I Love Bees" event occurred (entire forums and gaming sites dedicated themselves to the game). It was a great experience, and the payoff was amazing:

Hideo Kojima
Guillermo Del Toro
Norman Reedus

Silent Hills
A Kojima Productions game

Bam. Cue collective head explosions...

And now, thanks to Konami screwing everything up for everyone, it is no more, it's gone from the marketplace (although they did give a decent heads up to let you download it), and can no longer be re-downloaded if you delete it (although you can still back it up to an external drive for safekeeping).

Also, I mean, if you accidentally break your disk in half, and they're not being sold anymore, you're kinda SOL as well.

With physical, you buy one disk that will eventually scratch or break (unless you're super careful), and that's it.

Thanks to the way Digital licensing works, buying any game nets me two copies of the game, As my co-op buddy for life and I have two PS4s we only ever buy one copy of a game, as opposed to the non-digital era of gaming, where we always had to buy two copies of a game, two copies of DLC, and if one of our disks got scratched, we had to buy a whole new copy of the game.

With digital, we can infinitely download it to any new console we want to. I actually lend a friend a few states away my games this way. He just logs in as me, sets his console as Primary, then downloads and plays the game as much as he wants (And I can still simultaneously play the game on my own console). When he's done, he just disables the primary and that's that.

Not defending this irretrievability, of course, just wondering how comparable that scenario is, since I don't actually know what P.T. is.

With PT it really doesn't matter, because it was completely free, and if you have it, you can keep it forever (unless they decide to revoke your free license).
That said, if they were to do this to any other piece of digital content (and I don't recall them ever doing so), and they revoke your license... How is that any different that a scratched disk?

tl;dr, Cody Is Wrong.

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