
Disk version for Xbone is also $30... (Destiny)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Wednesday, May 13, 2015, 11:56 (3322 days ago) @ CyberKN

Dude, it took me 15 seconds to find a copy.

Someone, ffs, find a way to get that to me. (See, another massively positive point in digital distribution: I'm not limited by physical shipping rates/laws.)

As someone who spent a good portion of time living in a different hemisphere, I can tell you with a good amount of authority that this statement is plainly false. Digital region-locking caused me endless headaches.

In the past 5 years, I've lived in 3 different regions, and the biggest issues I've had were with physical disks. With digital, I've been able to move around and transfer licenses and do whatever. I have a copy of Mirror's Edge that I'll probably never play because by the time I played it, the US 360 I bought it for, was gone. If I bought it digitally, I would have been able to play it.

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