
presumption assumption! (Destiny)

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Thursday, May 14, 2015, 20:14 (3321 days ago) @ kidtsunami

Dude, it took me 15 seconds to find a copy.

Someone, ffs, find a way to get that to me. (See, another massively positive point in digital distribution: I'm not limited by physical shipping rates/laws.)

As someone who spent a good portion of time living in a different hemisphere, I can tell you with a good amount of authority that this statement is plainly false. Digital region-locking caused me endless headaches.

In the past 5 years, I've lived in 3 different regions, and the biggest issues I've had were with physical disks. With digital, I've been able to move around and transfer licenses and do whatever. I have a copy of Mirror's Edge that I'll probably never play because by the time I played it, the US 360 I bought it for, was gone. If I bought it digitally, I would have been able to play it.

You make a lot of assumptions:



To follow up on my earlier point, I tried to acquire the free digital copy of Halo 3 that was currently available on games-with-gold while I was working in New Zealand.

Microsoft was having none of that.

I literally had to contact my sister, who was living here in Canada, and have her sign-in as me on the website and make the transaction for me. Aside from creating a brand new account (which was what Microsoft's Customer Service recommended), that was my only solution.

So don't try to sell me on this "Digital-games-don't-have-region-locking" BS.

Not sure how spending almost 3 years in Melbourne and 2 years in London and moving to a mostly digital 360 library as I bought an aussie 360 and then UK 360 involves assumptions. I also maintained credit cards/bank accounts in the US, AUS, and UK throughout this process and made sure to maintain the region of my console appropriately as I fired up each new one.

Neither system is perfect, but with a digital system you were able to have someone sort it out for you. I could not call ANYONE, ANYWHERE and have them magically turn my Mirror's Edge disc into the right region.

You keep bringing up this Mirror's edge example, but I never had a single issue related to region locked physical media purchased in NZ while using my Canadian console and account. I was able to keep buying and playing games as though nothing had changed. When my console DID break, I bought a replacement in NZ, and it worked with all my old stuff. Completely different story when it came to digital games. I ended up having to make a new account just so I could purchase DLC for Reach. And I couldn't maintain a bunch of different credit accounts because I didn't have one to begin with.

Your argument that maintaining multiple accounts for different regions is self-defeating: The fact that we have to do that is why digital media is inferior!

Also, I'd gladly pay the cost of shipping/handling if it was between that and compromising my personal information. I wouldn't have done it if it had been anyone other than a family member that I trusted.

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