
Disk version for Xbone is also $30... (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, May 13, 2015, 00:47 (3322 days ago) @ narcogen

In every way that matters except resale, digital is better, and the situation with PT is one of the best possible examples. It's a product that would never have existed outside of digital distribution (or perhaps a gaming magazine disc, when those existed) and I can't think why you would cite it as the opposite.

I cited it because your access to it can be beyond your control. If you buy a game disc, or a cartridge, the longevity is related to the care you put into preserving it. If it's scratched or damaged, that's your fault. I have never had a game disc go bad. Ever. And I have some that are as old as 1991. I would be surprised if you had access to your digitally purchased media 24 years from now.

In contrast, I have had tons of hard drives go bad. To my knowledge, I can't simply back up my PS4's hard disk (if you can, please let me know!). If it ever does, then I am out the ability to play P.T.

I am absolutely confident in my ability to play the old Lucasarts adventure games I have on CD in the future. I am not so confident about all the few XBLA games I have bought over the years.

Digital distribution is better in zero ways than physical, except for maybe not having to wait for a disc to come in the mail. If P.T. were on a magazine demo disc, or a demo included with a commercial game, the situation would not even be occurring.

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