
In defense of Blink (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Monday, July 20, 2015, 11:29 (3514 days ago) @ Durandal

1) Blink isn't the get out of jail free card that you think.

I've been shot out of the air, punched and killed after the animation, killed by supers when I was clearly away, etc. You seen to be vulnerable during blink until the animation completes. So I have blinked away many times only to die when someone punches/rockets/supers where I was a second ago.

I will add that no other jump could save you from any of this.

2) That cool down is a killer.

I'll admit I blink/shotgun. I also blink in and out of a fight. That cooldown after the 2nd blink can leave you stranded easily in a bad situation where you probably are going to die. It is very easy to blink twice to get to grips with people and find that there were more then you anticipated, and you cant get out.

If you are in the middle of enemies, no other jump could get you out of there.

3) Blink is not precise.

Sure, you can't get on that one box. Or you miss the opening in the wall, and don't even think about going for that platform on Forgotten Shore. Or jumping backwards to escape. If you blink extensively you quickly find that lots of jumps that are taken for granted by other players will leave you stuck on a wall, falling off the side of the map or generally not where you need to be. It is also easy to have blink get stuck on something and have the jump stop mid way.

Unless they added randomness to the blink, I think that it must just be very fine control.

4) You can't reload

Blink stops all reloading. It is the only jump to do so.

It's also almost instant compared to other jumps. Just reload on the other side?

5) It breaks stealth

Yeah, in PVP stealth isn't a big deal, but still it would be nice to stealth and blink into a group so there is almost no chance of them seeing me coming.

I'm not even going to comment on this...

6) Blink makes a distinct noise.

A little thing, you always know when someone's using it.

Two things. One, all jumps make noise, it's just that blink is more audible. Second, gunfire also makes noise, that doesn't mean you know where it's coming from before it's too late.

I will say right now that I use a Titan and I think it's BS that a Titan has nothing close to an escaping ability like the other two "master" races. The only thing that comes close to escaping/charging fast is shoulder charge and well we all know how THAT goes.

It annoys me to no end how many times I've FoH'ed someone or shot a rocket and had them blink away right before it hits. Don't get me wrong, I firmly believe that Destiny should have abilities that allow you to escape tight situations if you have the right skill. But I also believe that EVERYONE should be capable of doing that. Because really, all titans have time for in that situation is to drop their gun and say "ahhhh !@#$"

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