
In defense of Blink (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 12:45 (3513 days ago) @ Durandal

So, remove pretty much all reasons to use this movement mode at all?

No. Slowing it down would make it more fair by not letting a subset of players move twice as quickly with their double jump. You'd still be able to appear in front of people, you just wouldn't be able to use it to cross open distances right in front of someone's aim without fear of being shot like you very nearly can now. Blink should still be powerful and interesting, but it really is something like a get out of jail free card right now.

I imagine the actual change won't be my number 1, 2 or 3 proposal but will incorporate a little of everything. Something like slowing Blink by .1 seconds to allow a player who reacts quickly to more easily clear the kill zone + a short delay in between blinks so you couldn't transverse a huge amount of open ground but would have to actually be shootable somewhere in the middle + a slight delay before you can fire a weapon after blinking, just long enough to give your enemy the advantage, because you charged recklessly at him, not the other way around.

You'd still be able to simply appear in someone's face from the complete safety of cover. Still be able to move back to cover without having to actually cross that distance. Still be able to confuse enemies at close range. And still move a good bit faster than any other method of moving. All Blink needs is a slight nudge, but keeping it like it is and claiming any change would remove any reason to use it is not, to me at least, acceptable.

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