
In defense of Blink (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 04:17 (3513 days ago) @ Durandal

1) Blink isn't the get out of jail free card that you think.

I've been shot out of the air, punched and killed after the animation, killed by supers when I was clearly away, etc. You seen to be vulnerable during blink until the animation completes. So I have blinked away many times only to die when someone punches/rockets/supers where I was a second ago.

That's no defense of blink at all. Blink moves you faster than any other double jump. It moves you faster than sprinting away. If you didn't avoid a blast or attack by blinking you simply were not going to avoid it, period.

This does give me a third idea for nerfing blink though. Right now, when a game starts I'll often be running alongside a teammate only to have them blink and pull ahead of me and then on the second blink be significantly ahead of me. Maybe Blink can stay like it is if its speed advantage was taken away. If starting a blink meant you had to wait the amount of time it would have taken you to sprint to your ending point it would be much more avoidable and counterable.

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