
In defense of Blink (Destiny)

by Durandal, Monday, July 20, 2015, 12:25 (3514 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

Frankly, I don't have much sympathy for Striker Titans in PVP, mostly because Fist of Panic is so forgiving and useful, Lightning grenades are excellent, and Shoulder Rush is just an additional icing on the cake, but that is aside from the point.

It is exceedingly difficult to avoid Novabomb or FoH with blink. The explosions are wide and you really need to blink before the animation has started.

Other jumps can get you out of combat because you can have very fine, on demand control. Control that very hard to pull off with blink. The other jumps can also get you to places more reliably in a firefight, allowing you to be there for critical plays.

Yes, Glide and Lift tempt people to waft around like they are in PVE, which gets them killed quickly. Skilled users quickly do things like jump out over pits to avoid blade dancers, hover up for grenade tosses and get to hard to reach sniper posts.

I saw one enterprising titan hover up over a door. His opponent ran through and shotgunned around the corner assuming the titan was still on the floor.

Triple Jump, Lift and Glide are also much quieter then blink's Whoosh noise, at least to me.

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