
In defense of Blink (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Monday, July 20, 2015, 14:52 (3513 days ago) @ slycrel

Just to clarify, warlocks and hunters both have access to blink. I get that a titan would be a bit upset, but that means roughly two thirds of the population has access to blink, if they want it.

Actually, I started playing with two others, and we all chose different classes. I chose Titan because it fit my style. And I was perfectly okay with it. Then I played PvP and I was mostly annoyed with it, but I thought to myself "You know, it's the hunter, it fits it's play style and I can live with that."

Then I found out that the warlock has blink too. That did not make me happy. It made sense for Warlock to have blink, but I didn't see how it played into warlocks play style (or his stupid OP melee either). But what urks me the most is that Titans don't have any abilities for mobility like that, which really hurts in PvP.

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