I've had a series of crazy thoughts about matchmaking lately (Destiny)

by marmot 1333 @, Thursday, October 08, 2015, 19:20 (3430 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I think I have a different experience and relationship with matchmaking than a lot of people at DBO.

I like turning on Destiny whenever it strikes me, loading up an activity, and just playing. Often I specifically don't want to join a group and chat or even plan to join a group, because to me that is social and potentially stressful and I'm playing a game to hibernate and relax. Sometimes I just want to drink and shoot the virtual things. I don't like to schedule game stuff way in advance because I prioritize IRL activities over game activities and I want to meet my friends whenever they want without leaving you virtual people in the lurch.

I was overjoyed when Heroic strikes went to matchmaking, because it meant I could easily do Heroic strikes every week without having to solo the mission, schedule something on FTB, or relying on people from LFG tools. But when the feature hit, I remember reading a LOT of complaints on here. I had maybe 2 bad experiences with randoms during Heroic strikes out of dozens of runs.

I haven't done the new raid because.. A variety of reasons; I was out of town when it launched and then I got injured pretty badly when I got back in town. I couldn't talk for a few days. I could barely stay conscious for a week and a half.

What I'm saying is this: People on this fan-forum are the 1%; they are people who want to go out of their way to arrange things so they can be the best and do the best things.

Other people don't want that. Matchmaking is for the 99%.

The way I see it, this game handles both groups pretty well.

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