
Having now spent some time with Halo and BOIII (Destiny)

by Durandal, Saturday, November 07, 2015, 23:36 (3399 days ago) @ petetheduck

I got some play time with both Halo and Black Ops this week, both with friends, and I have to say I was missing both the old Halo and Destiny.

Halo 5 has weapons and feel issues. My character doesn't feel like the peak of special forces wearing a high tech armored suit. I was getting wiped by those little Promethian dogs, let alone the knights or soldiers. The integration of ADS with Halo isn't managed well, with a single shot knocking you out and ruining the shot combined with lots of weapons with tracking and high rates of fire. I severely missed Destiny's jumps and the melees felt underpowered, even when you did the charge. The weapons themselves mostly seem weak, even though they added some diversity from 4. There are a few standouts, but it still feels somewhat generic.

The art however is top notch and colorful, almost blindingly so after the grey brown of BOIII and the greens of the Dreadnought. As I feared, my buddies found the plot nonsensical and a bit COD like.

In contrast the plot in COD is somewhat improved, the movement and weapons seem fairly well integrated and what you would expect from that series and it didn't seem to be competently implemented. Still brown and filled with grind. I'm not sure how I feel about that last part. The COD grind has some plusses in that you have a clear path to what you want, but you regrind so much it gets frustrating at times. Do I really have to unlock the same scope on every gun? Sigh…

Still, I think Destiny does the best job of making the challenge unique, and hiding the repetiiton (except for mouldering shards gah! Drop something else you stupid war priest!) Destiny also has the broadest list of challenges, all these exotic quests and raid shaders and trials, that you don't feel so bad if you can't get them all, but you will at least feel like you can try and still have fun.

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