
It's the social interaction, not the game (Destiny)

by Harmanimus @, Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 18:13 (3396 days ago) @ Cody Miller

There are a lot of board games that can be played single player that are otherwise co-op players v. game, and I've known people to run side campaigns of Pen and Paper stuff under circumstances where either their group was unavailable due to real life, or no one else wanted to play a social politics Sidereal Exalted campaign at that point in time.

It is interesting to me, with Destiny Specifically, that I'll actually occupy my idle game time with other games (I still have AssCreed Black Flag to finish, and I've completed a bunch of other games since Destiny came out, and I've been mixing in some Halo 5 here and there) especially when my friends aren't online, but if a group gathers we gather for Destiny nine times out of ten. Usually for a Raid or some Crucible hijinks. Weekends bring coordinated Trials games (sometimes winning 5:0 when we've otherwise given up and are all maining sidearms) and weekdays often have people splitting into Nightfall Teams and King's Fall.

I think that the recent Extra Credits video (Here) on Destiny illustrates my feelings on it well, and in a lot of ways for me, Destiny plays out how you're asking for it, albeit in a non-arbitrary fashion.

Referring to Destiny as comfort food sums up my current feelings on the game, and in a greater gaming ecosystem I don't feel terribly subjected to some of the game decisions other people seem to have conflict with.

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