
Trials 2.0 is nearly perfect. (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, November 16, 2015, 14:49 (3390 days ago) @ TheeChaos

I agree that Trials 2.0 is almost perfect. I think all the changes they've made are for the better. In most cases, I think multiplayer bounties cause problems. But the Trials bounties don't affect the way people play at all. Just play as you normally would and you'll complete the bounties, which is great.

Agreed. I don't really care for the weekly bounties for Shaxx because they require you to play/do certain things. The Trials bounties are great. You don't have to win or be a pro, just play, you will get them. The rewards from the bounties are OK. If nothing else you are going to get a 300 plus item, and 50 marks.

My 1 complaint is an issue I've brought up before: the rewards suck. The way awards are earned is far better, but what you actually get out of Trials is a dissapointment, IMO. The new guns really are nothing special. The extra perk given to the adept weapons is so limited that it's barely a perk. Much like the raid gear, Trials gear is better used as infusion fodder than gear to actually use, which kinda sucks. In Trials 1.0 I fought tooth and nail to get to the Lighthouse. In 2.0, I don't really care.

Disagree partially here. The new rewards aren't as good as year 1. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I remember when everyone else had the messenger, and I had been to the lighthouse about 8 times before I got one ( I missed the days he was selling it due to drill). It was very disheartening because that gun was such a game changer because it was overpowered. Now the weapons are not as good, but still viable. I think the problem was just that year ones were so good/overpowered, that is what we set our expectation to. The armor is better, because it has PVP specific perks (super on revives? YES PLEASE). The random reward drops are pretty bad, but so was the watchers gear in trials 1.0. So for me the gear is acceptable, they could have made it more unique though.

To me, most of what you're describing here is 1 imbalanced gun: the messenger. It was insanely good for PvP. Too good. But that 1 gun aside, the year 1 Trials weapons were a fantastic set of rewards. Great specs and percs for PvP without being overpowered, and the Adept versions had the distinction of being great for PvE as well thanks to the elemental damage. So you had these guns that felt like they were a special reward, they were fantastic in PvE and PvP without being overpowered (except for the messenger). Now, the 2.0 weapons feel completely unremarkable.

All in all, 2.0 was definitely an improvement. With the class balancing it feels right (minus sunbreakers). The lack of stand out overpowered guns makes it alot more fun. Year 1 there were a total of like 5 primaries people used. Hawkmoon, TLW, Messenger, Hopscotch, and Red Death are the ones that came to mind. Now I have seen people use a vast difference in guns, which is nice. It adds alot of versatility to the game. The change in maps has been great. I thought exodus Blue was going to be a terrible map, but turned out to be alot of fun.

I'm enjoying the diversity as well, although I do wonder if some of what we're seeing is artificial diversity for the sake of maximizing light level. I've seen a surprising amount of raid gear in Trials, which makes me think people are using their max-level gear rather than their best PvP gear. I suspect that as each week goes by, and people have more time to infuse their favorite guns up in level, we'll see a short list of favorites domination Trials. Even so, it's better than the old Thorn/Last Word/Messenger days.

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