
Fusion rifles (Destiny)

by squidnh3, Monday, November 16, 2015, 20:40 (3390 days ago) @ Cody Miller

If this happened in Halo… well there's not much you can do. But at least there was no encouragement or incentive from the game itself.

It was quite common in Halo 3. Players would de-rank to lower their TrueSkill so they could beat up on worse players, or just for the challenge of going from 50 to 1 to 50 again. It was annoying when a full other team would do it, since it took a while, but it was way, way worse when a random on your team was doing it. Thankfully Bungie learned to decouple progression from skill-based matching systems after that. Trials is their magnum opus in this regard.

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