Fusion rifles (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Monday, November 16, 2015, 19:01 (3390 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I take it you don't use any of the Trials buffs, then, since they specifically make it easier to get to the lighthouse without having to play as many people...

Cody's Lighthouse Purity Crew or bust, huh?

I use all the buffs. It's very challenging with them. Maybe if I get good enough one day to steamroll everybody, I'll play buffless. But right now the buffs provide help while still keeping things tough. Basically, it's the right amount of challenge. If there were some combination of buffs that let you get to the lighthouse in say, only one win, then Trials night would be considerably less fun because it would be too easy.

The goldilocks principle man.


You were complaining about ONE team that suicided to give you an easy win ONCE. You didn't suggest that it was happening all the time (and other evidence suggests it's not), you complained about the ONE win you got out of it.

When Korny called you out on that, you said that if 9 of your 10 wins were easy it wouldn't be fun. (I could even buy that.) But you complained about ONE cheap win, not nine.

How about considering the way you phrase your complaints so that we understand you're worried about the abstract problem that MIGHT happen if everyone does this, rather than the real situation you found yourself in?

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