
Fusion rifles (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, November 16, 2015, 20:45 (3390 days ago) @ Claude Errera

I take it you don't use any of the Trials buffs, then, since they specifically make it easier to get to the lighthouse without having to play as many people...

Cody's Lighthouse Purity Crew or bust, huh?

I use all the buffs. It's very challenging with them. Maybe if I get good enough one day to steamroll everybody, I'll play buffless. But right now the buffs provide help while still keeping things tough. Basically, it's the right amount of challenge. If there were some combination of buffs that let you get to the lighthouse in say, only one win, then Trials night would be considerably less fun because it would be too easy.

The goldilocks principle man.


You were complaining about ONE team that suicided to give you an easy win ONCE. You didn't suggest that it was happening all the time (and other evidence suggests it's not), you complained about the ONE win you got out of it.

When Korny called you out on that, you said that if 9 of your 10 wins were easy it wouldn't be fun. (I could even buy that.) But you complained about ONE cheap win, not nine.

How about considering the way you phrase your complaints so that we understand you're worried about the abstract problem that MIGHT happen if everyone does this, rather than the real situation you found yourself in?

What exactly do you want? It happened to me, and I thought it sucked. It doesn't matter how prevalent it is. When it happens it sucks. The fact that it happens at all, because of the bounties, is a bad thing. No bounties (or different ones) mean no incentive for that behavior.

So if there was no bounty that encouraged that behavior, but you encountered it anyway (don't tell me you never encountered people fucking around like this in Halo, because I did, lots of times), would it still suck? You get a free win on an acknowledged hard journey - one that costs you only a few minutes, and one that doesn't come around very often. It doesn't happen on every run, and it probably doesn't ever happen more than once a run - how is it different from a boon (except that it was an unexpected one)?

And if that's okay - how are you sure that this one was specifically caused by the bounty? If there was a team that just decided to fuck around like this, and you happened to encounter them... how can you know what their motivation REALLY is?

I've run in to this several times (3 or 4). I have no proof that the bounty is the reason the teams were instantly-suiciding to end the rounds as fast as possible, but it seems like the most likely and logical explanation given the circumstances.

I guess what I'm asking is... WHY does it suck? If you tell me that it sucks because you think that crucible bounties are bad and this is evidence, we'll just have to agree to disagree here - because I don't think you can know what their motivation really was, and I think it's silly to complain about something that, given different circumstances than the ones you THINK occurred, you'd be okay with.

I can't speak for Cody here, but multiplayer bounties have always bothered me back to the Halo Reach days because they add motivators that affect the way people play, and not necessarily in a way that helps the team. Same goes for many of the quests that involve crucible goals. It drives me crazy when I get stuck with teammates who are just camping around corners with their empty sword hilt, desperately trying to complete that portion of their sword quest. Thing is, I don't blame them either because that quest is such a pain in the butt otherwise. Most bounties have a similar effect: people don't do what is best for their team, they do what they need to do to complete bounties. Sometimes those goals line up, but they often don't.

Aside from Iron Banner or Trials, I've stopped collecting Crucible bounties for this exact reason. The only time I'll take bounties is if I know I can unlock them without thinking about them. That's why the Trials bounties don't bother me at all: you don't need to think about them. Just play 10 games and you'll have them all done, almost guaranteed.

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