
Maybe this is why Bungie hates story-telling now? (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, February 06, 2015, 10:21 (3375 days ago) @ roland

If this type of thinking started to happen at Bungie during and after the production of Halo 2, then maybe Claude Errera and I were on to something in the last episode of Guardian Radio (Guardian Radio Episode 97) where we talked about how Bungie story telling has been on a downward slide since somewhere around the release of Halo, give or take a game.

The more I think about it, the more I'm not sure that it's true. I think it's just that Bungie's form or preferred way of telling a story just doesn't work well in a visual medium. Marathon was terminals. Myth was with narrated text scrolls. These games are generally praised for their story.

And look at Destiny. What aspect of the story was praised? The grimoire cards.


The deficiencies of video games with regards to visual narrative helped Bungie in the early days I think, but now it doesn't do them any favors when those limitations are gone.

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