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Fan Art (Earth Gallery)

According to a Bungie tweetsubmissions are now posted from the Earth Day Artist's Challenge we mentioned last week. The album is posted on Bungie's Facebook page, but it doesn't look like you need a Facebook account to view the pieces themselves. Go check it out and see how your fellow Guardians are planning to defend our home turf!

TAGS: fan, art, earth, day
Beorn | Apr 30, 2013 11:43 am | link

Guardian Radio Episode 10

g_o_d.jpgIt may be a slow couple of weeks for Destiny news, but that can't stop the guys over at The Guardians of Destiny! They've released Episode 10 of the Guardian Radio podcast, clocking in at almost an hour and a half of Destiny discussion for your listening pleasure. Thanks to roland for a heads-up in the forum.

Beorn | Apr 30, 2013 11:26 am | link

Breaking In: Jay Spang

Breaking In: Jay Spang

There's a new Breaking-In article up on today. This week's victim interviewee is Jay Spang, Release Engineer and amateur rock star. If you've ever wondered who's wrangling all that delicious Destiny source code (come on, we know you've been thinking about it!), give Jay's interview a read to discover what his road to Bungie looked like.
TAGS: breaking, in
Beorn | Apr 30, 2013 10:56 am | link

It's all about the Benjamins

Gamers have an odd relationship with money - there's a general feeling that games should be inspired by love, not coin. (This is, of course, not to say that most people realize that if games don't make money, they don't get made... but they still have a pretty strong reaction to design decisions that are driven by green.) Bad news, then, comes by way of Destructoid, who noticed a tweet from superannuation (a Kotaku columnist) that points out that Ryan Wener, a Senior Director for Product Management for Activision, lists 'monetization modeling' as one of his recent tasks associated with his marketing activities for Destiny on his Linked-In profile. Microtransactions? Maybe. (He could just mean that it's his job to figure out where the cash is coming from - "we'll build buzz via the internet so that we can sell the game to lots of people, then offer DLC every 3 months" is, after all, a monetization model.)

TAGS: digging, for, gold
Claude Errera | Apr 30, 2013 07:53 am | link

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