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previous Tuesday, June 25, 2013 next

More questions for the Kiwi


It seems that interviewing Chris Butcher is the popular thing to do these days - New Zealand media outlet 3 News posted the video of a chat they had with the expatriate Bungie employee during E3. If you're too distracted by the background noise (i.e. the booming rotunda speakers on the other side of the wall), the interview is also available in text form. (Thanks, marmot 1333.)

TAGS: e3, interview
ncsuDuncan | Jun 25, 2013 08:43 pm | link

From the Windy City to a rainy one.

Jason Minard

Sometimes DeeJ is on the answering side of a Q&A, and sometimes he's the one asking ze questions. Bungie engineer Jason Minard got a turn in the hot seat for today's Breaking In article, wherein he spilled the beans on how a Philosophy major landed a job testing Destiny's back-end server systems. Give it a read, it's quite inspiring!

TAGS: Breaking, In
ncsuDuncan | Jun 25, 2013 08:01 pm | link

DBO Interviews Chris Butcher - Plus Bungie Loves You!

We sat down with Chris Butcher during the madness of E3 and asked a bunch of questions that were burning holes in our pockets (and our brains). He answered a lot of them. (Forgive us for the camera focus; our second unit had issues.) Go check it out - and then swing by our forum... if you have further questions, you might just find answers!

Claude Errera | Jun 25, 2013 09:52 am | link

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