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Chris Butcher Interview Archived (with bonuses)

If you missed our interview with Chris Butcher yesterday, we've archived it, with a full transcript, on this page. Since Bungie was kind enough to answer followup questions on our forum, we archived those (both questions and answers) on that page, as well.

Claude Errera | Jun 26, 2013 07:22 pm | link

Guardian Radio Episode 17

g_o_d.jpgThe Guardians of Destiny have released Guardian Radio Episode 17 - great conversation, a hidden gem from Craig Hardgrove spawned from anger at the Xbox 360, and an amazing discovery by Chris Maselli (see below) - go explore! It's 90 minutes of discussion, with highlights from the recent AusGamers interview of Chris Butcher. (Thanks, roland.)

Claude Errera | Jun 26, 2013 03:39 pm | link

GCAs Announced

The 2013 Game Critics Awards: Best of E3 nominations have been announced - and Destiny has found itself in five separate categories:
  • Best of Show
  • Best Original Game
  • Best Console Game
  • Best Action Game
  • Best Online Multiplayer

This puts it in pretty rarified company: only Watch Dogs (with 5 nominations) and Titanfall (with 6, a GCA record) were as honored. Winners will be announced next Tuesday, July 2.

Claude Errera | Jun 26, 2013 02:31 pm | link

Don't believe everything you read.

If you preordered Destiny at Amazon, you likely received an email today that included some information about a release date. (marmot 1333 posted the relevant portion on our forum this morning.) Before you get too excited... you should double-check the actual page at Amazon - in includes this tidbit, as well:

So... yeah. Take that June 30 date for what it is - an acknowledgement that it will be out in 2014. Sometime.

Claude Errera | Jun 26, 2013 12:14 pm | link

Sci-Fi, With A Healthy Dose Of The Mythic

ttl.pngYesterday was Tuesday - which means that over at Tied the Leader, they've got another roundtable-like Q&A. The question this week: what do you think about Bungie's blending of fantasy and science fiction so far? Go see what they thought! Thanks, TTL Demag0gue.

Claude Errera | Jun 26, 2013 06:08 am | link

Unpacking the Universe

mirror_uk.pngThe Mirror, a news outlet from the UK, talked to Pete Parsons during E3 - the quotes they pulled out show that Bungie is really looking at the long term picture with this one. There's no "wow, this game was a success - I guess we should make a sequel!" this time around - they've already got their roadmap. Strap in!

Claude Errera | Jun 26, 2013 06:00 am | link

Going Bigger

digital_trends.pngLet's catch up on some interesting Destiny press - first up, Digital Trends wrote an article called 'Destiny may actually be as good as you hope it is'. (It came out during E3, but we missed it, and it's a really nice summary of what we might expect, and why there's reason to trust what we haven't seen yet.) Give it a read!

Claude Errera | Jun 26, 2013 05:56 am | link

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