
no-crunch development (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Monday, August 07, 2017, 16:46 (2752 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I also know it probably would take longer for Cody's line of editing, because he works in film where everything has to be, as we say in TV, "feature quality" which requires far more attention to detail than TV does. I don't actually know how long it would take him, but I could always shoot him a message and ask if I need that info in order to give estimates to my boss.

Regarding shooting.

6 pages per day on a feature film is on the high side. Of course there are simple Indies that you can shoot in 15 days that reach that level, but between 1/8 and 3 is more typical depending on the complexity.

I work in TV mostly, so not familiar with Film. Thanks for the info!

Regarding editing.

This varies greatly. Skyfall was cut in just five weeks. Apocalypse Now took two years to cut. 4-8 months is typical, with bigger action movies usually taking 8-14 months. On something like Mad Max Fury road, simply watching all the footage non stop would have literally taken 20 straight days. The last film I was on is just under two hours and cut for just short of a year. So that works out to just over two minutes per day, in line with your estimate.

Huh, interesting. We definitely slop a few of our effects in as "good enough for TV but not 'feature quality' from time to time." Which is a little embarrassing to say, because my typical role is to be the guy who fixes the effects that are definitely not good enough for TV.

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