
Yeah, we don't need this around here. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, September 27, 2015, 19:43 (3448 days ago) @ Avateur

The world of Destiny is quite diverse. Notable female characters in positions of power include: Mara Sov, Queen of the Awoken (who are a matriarchal society by the way), Ikora Rey, one of thee Vanguard leaders who command all of the Guardian forces, Maya Sundresh who has a good chance to be the Exo Stranger and who almost certainly was the basis of the Future War Cult, and who, if you read somewhat carefully, had a wife, Omnigul, one of Crota's most important generals, Amanda Holiday, the City's chief shipwright, Lakshmi-3, current head of the Future War Cult and of course Savathûn, Oryx's sister a cunning Witch-Queen who split ways long ago and who is still out there.

Frankly, casual insinuations of sexism is very nearly as bad as sexism itself. It's a touchy and complex subject and when accusing someone of it you'd better have a weight of evidence on your side. And you don't, in my opinion.

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