
Having missions for loot blows. (Destiny)

by Blackt1g3r @, Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Friday, December 22, 2017, 07:40 (2471 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I’m starting to miss random rolls a bit. I know I’m the guy that rallied against them, and for the most part I hold true to that. I like knowing what things are.

The thing that’s made me reconsider is armor. I’ve playing Hunter a lot, and all the Recovery armor is ugly. So I’m forced to pick between useless armor or ugly armor, and that blows.

What you really want is for armor to just be style and for the "stats" tied to armor currently to be divorced from the armor. That's what I was hoping Bungie was going to do with mods. Let me choose the armor that I think looks cool, then apply the appropriate mods to make it behave how I want.

Guns are a bit more complicated. I like that the guns are just the guns and that I know what I’m getting. However, it means 90% of the guns I get are immediately sharded or infused. In Destiny, there was always that one perk combination that could drastically change the way I feel about a gun. In Destiny 2, if I dislike that gun, I’m going to dislike it forever. That’s not necessarily a problem, but it is less interesting, and the fact that I dislike so many of the guns in Destiny 2 makes the set perks feel worse than they might actually be.

I wish mods replaced the "upgrade tree" or whatever it's called. When you earn a gun it comes with a stock sight and then you get sight mods to apply to choose a sight that you like to use and that tweaks the base stats the way you want them to.

I know which armor I need—if it’s not recovery its gone. I know which weapons I like, and other than the odd exotic, I either have or have had at one point most of them. Almost everything I get now ends up being sharded.

RNG blows when it comes to allowing Bungie to correctly balance the game, but RNG loot acquired via RNG makes you feel like you are making progress. So as Bungie tunes the game to be less about RNG so they can balance the gameplay, they reduce the fun from acquiring loot. Destiny 2 is stuck in the middle. Bungie made the loot grind less fun, but they also only partially improved their ability to balance things. The enemy AI isn't particularly smart, so they aren't as much fun to fight as in previous Bungie games. Raids make up for that by making you think about how to apply your weapons and abilities, but at a significant time-cost which turns some players away.

Personally, I'm in the camp of drop the RNG for anything. Then beef up the enemy AI to make them a bit more fun to fight in the general case. Introduce more Raid mechanics to the core game including public events, adventures, and story missions. (Heroic events are a good step in that direction.) I'm sure there are others who wish it was more like Borderlands though (weapons are entirely random), but that makes it _really_ hard for Bungie to balance. They need to decide what kind of game they want Destiny to be and commit to it IMO.

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