
Do you have any idea how you got your gear? (Destiny)

by RaichuKFM @, Northeastern Ohio, Thursday, December 28, 2017, 13:56 (2600 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Honestly, while I'm completely fine with the animal that Destiny is (though I haven't played in a while and still have to finish CoO) and I'm willing to defend that, I don't think my personal valuation goes that way.

I remember how I got some things, not some others. The Quest Exotics in D1 and D2, of course; and I won't forget that time I got Gjallarhorn after Hard Mode Ir Yut, just because of how much the forum made it matter. I remember grinding Vanguard Marks in the first week of the game for ever just to pick up the vendor stock Doctor Nope. I forget how I got Zombie Apocalypse, mainly because I didn't realize how much I liked it for a long time.

Now, some of the quests, I liked. I have fond memories of Super Good Advice's, even though it was generic tasks, just because of the flavor; the mission to get Drang was fun, even though I don't like sidearms or hand cannons that much, but the bit in pursuit of Sturm was eh; getting MIDA with the Mini-Tool was fun, though, just because it gave an excuse to do a stupid silly thing I normally wouldn't do.

But grind can be frustrating, and the funny thing is, a quest to do something is still grind. Whether it's good grind or bad grind is in the eye of the player, and blah blah stuff everyone's been over. I don't really mind grind much, but lately I haven't had the time for it.

So, with this mess of a preamble ramble aside, I may as well get to my personal opinion. I don't really think either random drops or missions to get specific gear are the ideal, nor is any specific tuning of the mixture; what I think would be best is to just have all the loot already unlocked. You can use whatever. Maybe there are modes where you have to build an inventory, like in a linear campaign, or just have some modes where you pick your inventory from everything. You could have each gun have a customizable set of perks- possibly limited, to lessen the god rolls problem.

Make it a game I want to keep playing because I think it's fun- have fancy cosmetics to chase if it's really that important, but embrace the fact that it's already a sandbox.

No idea if this would lead to a more or less homogenous metagame, but I've never cared about metagames. I won't pretend this idea is actually definitely a good one; I don't really know enough to make that kind of judgement. It's just what I would like.

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