
RNG is padding for lack of effort (Destiny)

by Durandal, Friday, December 22, 2017, 09:19 (2610 days ago) @ Kahzgul

While I like destination armor, there needs to be more forging/building and customization of it.

Instead of vendors flat out giving you armor pieces in exchange for currency, I'd like to see you gather parts from around the region, and be able to forge those into armor with perks and stats that you want, but with the appearance of that regions set. Perhaps with slight embellishments based on the materials used.

While this doesn't solve the "i grinded x strikes and x chests etc" problem, I don't think that is solvable currently. The game has a limited number of activities, and you will always be driven to play those activities.

I can see some vendors selling complete sets, but again they shouldn't randomly give you parts you should be able to get the set in stages as you turn in cash. At higher rep levels you should be able to get more customized gear. Rep levels would be part grind, but also a level up quest at certain points. Something unique to each faction.

So players who don't want to grind gear can just play the game and buy specific items from vendors, but players who really want to get specific combinations can forge very specific guns.

The main issue is as usual balance. Bungie doens't make all combinations of frame and perks available, so they don't test all variations. This is why we have such a range value in perks all through D1 and D2. Using the above system will inevitably have the internet putting out a metric tonne of bad youtube videos about which guns are perfect for any activity.

The other problem is the loot-splosion issue. People don't feel as rewarded when they don't get stuff from activities that they can use immediately. It would be like finishing a strike and getting a bunch of tokens and some weapons parts...hmmm, perhaps this isn't much of an issue after all. Leave raids and To9 to dump gear, and convert the rest of the game over?

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