
Not on the PBUG/Fortnight bandwagon (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, January 17, 2018, 11:19 (2579 days ago) @ Durandal

Tried that a bit with my brother. He likes it, but there's lots of wandering around and tension then suddenly getting shot in the back for no payoff. I don't really "get" it. I much prefer Overwatch or D2.

I've been trying SW:BF2, and sometimes the feel is so awful that I just put it back down.
I may go back and try titanfall 2. My gaming group is looking for new stuff, and they were never into Destiny. I'd like to avoid more COD, but that tends to be the lowest common denominator.

Plus I got a Ordinatus for Christmas that I need to paint. I can't wait for it to be all pretty on the table top and then die turn 1 like my other super heavy's first outing.

Headphones or surround sound are a must for these games. You need total battlefield awareness to know where footsteps are coming from, if the shots fired were at you or not (From Saving Private Ryan: Pops are outgoing, pings and zips are incoming), and where someone has constructed walls and/or a base. You also need to manage your map position to ensure you're not going to get zoned out in the storm. Your first few games you'll just get crushed, don't sweat it. Leaving and getting a new game takes far less time than matchmaking in destiny.

I strongly recommend just dropping in the middle of a named location near the center of the map, grabbing the first gun you see inside a house, and trying to shoot it out with nearby droppers. This is going to result in your dying a lot, but will also get you good experience finding weapons quickly and using the different guns. After 10-20 practice runs like this, drop along the outside of the map and start playing in earnest. If you're on PS4, I'll gladly sherpa you. I'm on most nights starting between 9pm and 11 pm PST, and I play until around 2 am.

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