
Extra Credit has a great video explaining PUBG (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, January 18, 2018, 11:36 (2444 days ago) @ DEEP_NNN

Wow. That sounds like everything I hate in a game, all wrapped up in one place.

He describes all of this for thriller movies and I hate thrillers. However I loved PUBG when I played it. And I think the biggest thing that makes a difference in movies/shows as opposed to games is that I'm in control. In movies/shows I usually am smart enough to know when the axe drops and so I'm just sitting in suspense until it actually happens (just get it over with already). In games, there is the same suspense, but I don't know when it's going to happen because if I did, like movies, then I would never die.

I didn't play Trials for the first 2 years of Destiny's existence because I HATED that feeling of tension. It took a re-examination of my own attitude and goals to get me to give it another try. (Most of the tension in Trials is self-generated; if you don't CARE about the outcome, it's far less stressful.)

The stress in PUBG is external - you can't control other players, or that shrinking playspace, or a host of other things.

No, thanks. I'm good.

Some of my old friends talk about their heart pounding in those last few moments. I tend to be more of a gradually getting a headache from stress/muscle tension.

For me, this game is just a stopping place. It's kind of like World of Tanks.

You've seen what I've written about not being able to meet Destiny's high skill requirements for content. I can't really change that. PUBG's tension and limits is completely player driven. I can play a whole game to the final 2 and not shoot once. I can pick a fight within seconds of landing die immediately. I have won once Solo and twice in a Duo but the significant thing for me is that I make it into the top 10 very often and top five at about quarter of that. I guess my point is, it is what 'you' make of it. I made it into final 2 today and yesterday. It tells me I will win again, even with some of the best FPS streamers in there with me.

What you're describing reminds me a lot of the Spies vs Mercs PvP mode in the Splinter Cell games. It was an objective-based game, which does force a greater level of directed action than PUBG (where you can spend the entire match hiding in a bathroom if you want to), but Spies vs Mercs did accommodate play that ranged from hyper-aggressive to non-confrontational, and everything in between. In other words, it's a game that can be many different things, depending on how you want to play it. My brother and I used to play together all the time, and we made a pretty good team precisely because we were almost playing 2 different games. I was hyper-aggressive to the point of playing like a suicidal maniac, which meant I was good at drawing a lot of attention from the enemy team. But my brother was sneaky AF... he'd get through an entire match without being seen even once, because he put all his efforts towards avoiding contact with the enemy, staying as far away from them as possible, letting me draw all the fire, and quietly completing the objectives. His experience and my experience were totally different, even though we were in the same match and on the same team.

Ugh. I miss Spies vs Mercs so much.

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