
Destiny 2 Update 1.2.1 Patch Notes (Destiny)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Tuesday, May 29, 2018, 13:15 (2447 days ago) @ Malagate

The reverse is also true, though.

I don’t have problems with different activities having different rewards. At this point, you just have to accept that you won’t necessarily have everything. I think that’s alright.

I definitely share your perspective, but I guess it comes down to whether things designed for one activity should have additional requirements for catalysts (or anything else) reside behind the grind in a different activity. I always appreciated the mentality Bungie at least used to have about better players being well-rounded; and perhaps that's the intent here, I just don't know that there's really anything for Stabs' complaint.


(general comment not directed at anyone specific)

If you want everything, then expect to have to do everything. I don't know why this is unacceptable to some.

If your expectations are to always be 100% satisfied with things, you'll never enjoy it. IMO, 25% of D2 is awesome, 50% is pretty good and 25% holds zero interest for me.

There's a lot of good content in between "effing garbage" and "effing sweet"

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