
Tie accessibility to something else. (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Thursday, May 31, 2018, 10:44 (2478 days ago) @ Harmanimus

I understand the desire to keep players from feeling like all the best parts of the game are hidden behind walls that are too high. Skill is already rewarded by some of the best gear in the game, between the Raids and Trials. So don't make the quest steps skill- or repetition-based; but make them memorable experiences no matter what.

Bank on some aspect of the gameplay experience not tied directly to combat. Lore-based steps (ie puzzle/context solving); or exploration/agility-based (mountain climbing; Hive/Vex jumping puzzles); or community-based activities (Patrol/social space tasks) all present opportunities to tie in that kind of achievement. But again, these things shouldn't be easy; merely accessible.

Wherever possible, the experience should have a unique flavor. Didn't someone...(I want to say it was Butcher) say it when talking about Gears achievements; I thought he made a point about banal weapon-based achievements and how they diverted players from the spirit of the game; and that's why they went in a different direction with Halo. I feel like they've now done that with some of these steps.

Obv, I'm not aware of what internal processes such a thing would invoke, and perhaps the argument would be that it's too little of a payoff, or would demand too many resources for something that doesn't serve core gameplay; but I would think that something that enriches the experience in that way is going to pay dividends down the line if done right.

Accessibility doesn't have to mean dull or repetitive tasking.


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