Initial thoughts on the new season? (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Wednesday, March 06, 2019, 09:02 (2158 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Another little thing turned me off the new grind very quickly; I upgraded my synthesizer to the level 2 version (I think the call it “mediocre”?). My first thought was “cool, now I can craft better versions of the new armor”. Then I looked at how it worked and saw that creating level 2 motes eats up twice as many of the little tokens that you collect from Gambit prime, and right away I thought “well I’m not going to bother with any of this until I have the level 3 version... why waste the resources on armor that is going to be outclassed within a week”. Seems like a bit of a design flaw in the grind loop to me, but again, that’s just my take on it.

They use 'middling', not 'mediocre'... but you didn't even touch on the worst part of that particular mechanic:

There are 4 weekly Prime bounties, one for each character type - get a bunch of wins in Reckoning, and do a bunch of damage in Prime, and you finish one. You can only hold one at a time.

Finishing the first one gives you 2 items (and some infamy rank): a helmet for that character type (the only way to GET a helmet), and an upgraded synthesizer.

Once you have the Middling synthesizer, though... you can no longer earn Level 1 armor in Reckoning (because you only earn armor at the highest level your synthesizer can create). But that means once you complete ONE of those weekly bounties, you effectively lock yourself out from the other 3... because Tier II Reckoning events won't be available until Friday.

And when they ARE available, you'll immediately earn a Tier III synthesizer, which will lock you out of the last two options (until the 15th, when THAT opens).

I spoke to someone on the Gambit team last night... and that might just be an oversight in the mechanics. But it's a pretty annoying one, at least in the early days.

(I have 4 pieces of armor for two different sets, but cannot earn the 5th piece for either one, ever... because I don't have access to a synthesizer that can ever make Tier 1 armor again. All this is to say... be careful about using those weekly bounties.)

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