
Initial thoughts on the new season? (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Wednesday, March 06, 2019, 12:25 (2158 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I liked the new Gambit Prime mode. It felt like it took some of the slog out of Gambit and focused down on the best parts of Gambit's gameplay loop. The Reckoning step to get Gambit Prime armor felt ok for this tier 1 level, but I fear the higher tiers will pay out something like EP where there are either too few people around so you're simply doomed, or too many where you don't really have to do much. Sharing the world with other players can be nice sometimes but other times I do wish there was a way to accomplish some of this stuff using my on competence instead of having to hope against hope the Randos stop spinning in circles long enough to help me defeat a boss.

There's also this random quest to kill Taken bosses in the Dreaming City. I need 10 or so more, so hopefully this leads somewhere interesting. (No need to tell me it doesn't... I'm not banking on this being some major plot thread or anything.)

On the Lore front, there are six short-ish new books that are pretty interesting:

In general, I think this ongoing pace Destiny has established recently is a good thing. I like the ongoing flow of Lore. I do miss in-game story content, though. So much is in the air and at a pause right now, I eager to see what is actually next. But that might not happen until the Fall, after these three Seasons have run their course.

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