
Gambit Prime = I'm confused (Destiny)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Friday, March 08, 2019, 13:57 (2185 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I know, prepare to be shocked, ManKitten is confused.

I don't understand how any of these synths work. I'm supposed to synthesize a mote? I've got a weak Synthesizer...I have these synth consumables. I consumed a sentry synth, won a game of prime, nothing noticeable has happened. I dunno. Played 3 rounds of Reckoning, beat the boss on the 3rd attempt...nothing happened. After each round, went to collect our loot from the little mote bank thing...nothing happened.

As for Gambit Prime, it seems like filling the bank is just pointless game mechanic designed for us to kill bad guys to collect heavy ammo. Every game I've played, one team has summoned a primeval immediately, then proceeds to do zero damage to him. 5 minutes later the second team summons, and both primevils have full health. It then just goes in a constant back and forth of invaders invaders invaders. Multiple cycles of DPS on the boss that yields zero results, until one round...for some reason...he melts like butter in lava. Sometimes it's the 3rd cycle, sometimes it's the 6th.

I've only played GP with blueberries and it has been a pretty fun game type. More fun than regular gambit. And I can totally see how playing with an organized team would be a blast.

But as for the mechanics and results...I have no idea what is going on. It's cool that this game is adopting more and more RPG elements but it would be nice to know what the hell to do! Instead of constantly having to Google and Youtube everything.

...literally as I'm typing this I learn how to use the weak synthesizer. After I've already won 4 of 5 games I've played. facepalm. Well, twas a good B-day playing new stuff but my eyes are bleeding heavily and my face is about to fall off. Signing off.

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