
Booo! Datto is now doing a Q&A. (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, June 06, 2019, 15:26 (2016 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Seriously, fuck that guy. He's already annoying and he's only been talking for eight and a half seconds.

I'm not a fan of his, but overall I think he actually did a decent job today. He hit on some of the biggest "must ask" questions that the hardcore community would want to ask, and he walked a good line between being being blunt while also being fairly measured and respectful.

Yeah, "Hey, is Eris evil?" is just the sort of high quality content I am totally here for.

In all seriousness, he did alright. I still hate him as a streamer and wish he'd find some other game to ruin, though. I just resent the fact that Bungie feels the need to include him in official streams.

Don't get me wrong, I'm with you. I've had a bone to pick with the mainstream games media (Gamespot, IGN, etc) for a very long time, but streamer culture almost makes me miss the oldschool press, lol.

I just wanted to say that all things considered, I think it went fine. Considering some of the streamers they've brought into the studio for past events, it could have gone much worse.


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