
Booo! Datto is now doing a Q&A. (Destiny)

by squidnh3, Friday, June 07, 2019, 11:10 (2015 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I don't feel like anything was gained by him being there, besides my own annoyance.

They have like four community managers, surely one of them could have gathered some questions from reddit and twitter and accomplished the same thing?

I don't know anything about this guy besides that he plays Destiny on camera and has had a couple of gut punch raid moments, but I thought he did a pretty good job.

I think having someone outside Bungie ask the questions was a good idea. A lot of times when Bungie uses vocabulary in a way that clearly means something to them internally but is unclear to the fan base. Watching them have to translate from Datto's more blunt language was illuminating, and having him there to immediately follow up on unclear points rather than having to wait for the inevitable Twitter update was nice.

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