
Booo! Datto is now doing a Q&A. (Destiny)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Friday, June 07, 2019, 09:17 (2015 days ago) @ Cody Miller

That, too.

I don't feel like anything was gained by him being there, besides my own annoyance.

They have like four community managers, surely one of them could have gathered some questions from reddit and twitter and accomplished the same thing?

I get it, they absolutely want Datto to be there--he's huge, they want him and his fanbase on their side.

It's not a big deal at all, I just hate seeing Bungie court people like Datto.

Yeah, it is fan service for sure. But they have been pretty explicit that they want Destiny to be created by developers and the players. This kinda thing is what they want their fans to see. If it was a bungie employee, even a community manager asking the questions there could be a lot of questions about how legitimate it is. It's like the difference between a live stream vs something recorded, yeah it's more fumbly but it feels more authentic.

Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of the streamers either, but at least it wasn't deej leading it... No offence to him, I'm sure he is a great leader, but man I can't stand him when he is leading a stream off of a script.

But again… how big and how influential are streamers really? I'm betting most people who play Destiny do not know who he is. In fact, I asked the four people I know in real life who play Destiny. None of them knew who Datto was, much less watched his vids.

The people who visit forums and partake in Reddit know who he is. (That's me politely referring to the salty online twits.)
Probably anyone who would have been watching that stream knows who he is. The casual player wasn't the demographic for that specific interview.
I'm aware of who he is but I don't watch his videos and appreciated that they used someone from the "community" to ask questions, instead of another internal person.

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