
CrossPlay (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, June 07, 2019, 07:02 (2053 days ago) @ FyreWulff

Crossplay would the pinnacle here, yeah, but crossdata means I can just pop over to whatever platform people want me to play with them on that night, or even multiple in one night.

The only thing about Crossplay is that I don't ever see it coming to PC. It's a different game on the PC. Between Consoles sure. I mean I guess with Stadia it's going to be even more interesting... I just feel like certain places (PvP) there is going to be a lot of backlash of hardware superiority. Maybe not. Hopefully it does come out and you can just have a check box to choose if you want to crossplay with PC/non-console devices. They already said they are working to redo the matchmaking and PvP playlists.

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