The Stream Reveal Thread: (Destiny)

by FyreWulff, Friday, June 07, 2019, 05:01 (2095 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

Cross save.

I'll be seeing everyone on Xbox soon.

And I'll be spending almost all of my time on PC now that I can just jump back over to Xbox on raid night. I am REALLY excited about this!

Now if we can cross-Play going, I'll almost never need to turn on my Xbox.


Amusingly, I've been playing both PS4 and PC, although on PC it was just a little bit here and there since I was waiting for a good sale on all the expansion.

But now that this is happening, being able to jump between PS4 and PC at will? Cool. And I can expand to Xbox.

Crossplay would the pinnacle here, yeah, but crossdata means I can just pop over to whatever platform people want me to play with them on that night, or even multiple in one night.

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