
Age range *OT*

by katancik ⌂ @, Portland, OR/ University of Texas, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 22:21 (4364 days ago) @ Mr Daax

I'm 18 and going to school in Texas. I've been playing Halo since CE with some friends way younger than I should have been. I put it down for a long time and got an Xbox 360 and Halo 3. In Halo 3, I helped run a site called HaloTracks.org, which was a site centered around Halo-racing. I grew tired of that community with Reach and left the site.

I had always been familiar with HBO, and was talking about joining with another friend while in a Reach grifball matchmaking lobby. THAT VERY GAME, who should pop into our lobby on our team but Mr Louis Wu. We played for a few more hours, became friends and I've been here ever since. I'm still amazed by that coincidence.

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