
21/F/Wilmington, NC

by Dax01, Monday, March 11, 2013, 09:46 (4373 days ago) @ JDQuackers

Yes, actually. I find the idea that someone doesn't like my current home state insulting. I know that may sound weird, but as a Durham resident I have to put up with a lot of insults towards where I choose to make a home and raise a family, and it's very tiresome. I know you didn't directly imply anything about where I specifically live, but I find it crazy that you could say that the entire state has nothing to offer you if you've only ever lived in Wilmington (which I'm only assuming, but it certainly sounds that way).

Why would you assume that? I've been living in Wilmington for the past three years and went to elementary, middle, and high school in Apex and Cary. I've been to Asheville a couple of times. I find your position that I can't form an opinion about an entire state if I haven't lived in every corner of it a bit ridiculous. I can like/love a certain area of a state while not thinking much of the entire state as a whole. I heard Austin is pretty cool, but I don't think too highly of Texas.

You can't force someone to like where you live.

Again, please be specific. Wilmington does not represent all of NC. The Triangle area and the are around Asheville are very much different from you are seeing.

I want to go into film and the screenwriting business. What does NC offer me in that regard? Can't make it in the TV writing business by sticking here.

What I love most about NC is that I can drive 2 hours and be in the Mountains, and enjoy those beautiful and gorgeous Smokys. Or I can drive 2 hours and be at the beach. Yet I can still live in one of the most progressive and culturally diverse areas to pursue the career that I want to pursue. If you're into technology or entrepreneurial shit, the Triangle area is one of the best places to be in the country. Especially because the weather is amazing, and you don't have to deal with gray dreary weather that you'll find in the North East or Pacific North West of the country, which I find to be horrifically depressing.

That's cool. I'm glad you enjoy it here. Personally, I LOVE grey, dreary weather. Rainy days are the best; I'm not too fond of sunny days.

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