
Patrol sucks for beginners now. (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Saturday, August 15, 2015, 20:22 (3485 days ago) @ BeardFade

I've talked with people about that, but it was more in a comical manner of how messed up it is. Or could be in my sick, evil eyes:

They're playing around in Mothyards, then 'a pack of Wolves is prowling' and OH SH-- a bunch of question marks start dropping down and raining all unholy insta-kill hell on them. They run screaming until they find retreat in a dark corner. They're backing up against the wall, tears streaming down their face...then a loud shriek--'a servant of The Hand has been disturbed'. Then metal grinding, Hive spawn clouds, and more question mark explody thrall blowing them up while the Hand of Crota SLICES them all up. They run out to Skywatch, glad to see the light of day, until...

'the blades of Crota have invaded this world'(I miss them ;-(


'the enemy is moving against each other'

and they're trapped between hundreds of level 6's who act like level 30's.


'fall before Urzok, the Hated!'

The player ejects their Destiny disc and snaps it in half.


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