
Patrol sucks for beginners now. (Destiny)

by Dame117 @, Missouri, Saturday, August 15, 2015, 23:59 (3485 days ago) @ BeardFade

:( I can understand how that would hamper her experience, especially being new not just to Destiny, but to FPS games in general.

I know I got frustrated with the wolves getting in my way a few times when I started trying to level up my baby Warlock.

I usually enjoy challenges, but I agree with you here that the placement and timing of some of the "wolves" locations are not considerate to new players at all.

Having good friends / teammates who are higher level is good to deal with those situations. But I understand its not fun being the low level who is unable to help out and who dies any time they step out of hiding to take a shot at a "??" level character.

Get her a scorch canon to play with, then see if she starts having more fun! ;)

Best of luck to her, I hope she decides to keep giving Destiny and FPS games a shot.

~Kim "Dame"

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