
Speaking of a Wolf Pack dropping in. (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Sunday, August 16, 2015, 09:28 (3485 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

We were almost done with a "Kill 100 without dying" bounty when a wolf pack dropped right on her position and murdered her immediately. She was at 98 kills at the moment.

Gosh that's annoying. I feel really bad for you guys. This is a terrible introduction to shooters! :(

Is it?

Are video games supposed to be places where nothing bad ever happens, or where every aspect of the world is under the complete control of the player, even when there's more than one player?

My wife and I also play from time to time, and she's not a "gamer" as such-- she just plays Halo and now Destiny with me.

I think it's less bad that sometimes those same kinds of things happen to her than it's good to see that sometimes those same things happen to me, as well as to players far better than me-- because it means that not everything is always under your control. Revive and start over. Sure, losing progress isn't fun in itself, but the accomplishment means more when it was difficult.

So far I think the only one of those that has really, really been a pain was the Urn quest, which also had progress slowed by death.

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