
Speaking of a Wolf Pack dropping in. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, August 17, 2015, 02:51 (3484 days ago) @ narcogen
edited by Cody Miller, Monday, August 17, 2015, 02:55

Are video games supposed to be places where nothing bad ever happens, or where every aspect of the world is under the complete control of the player, even when there's more than one player?

I wouldn't say complete control. There'd be no challenge then. But I think the ability of the player to overcome the challenges should rest solely in their control.

Gotta disagree. The player is not God. Most challenges? Sure. Possibly even the vast majority. But all? No. Sometimes you just have to run away, and sometimes there's no getting out alive.

I feel like That only works if there is a way for the game to continue on failure. For instance, heavy rain changing the storyline if one of the main characters dies.

Maybe we are talking about different things, but if something has to happen for you to win that is beyond your control, then I don't think that works. Basically, at any given moment there should be some combination of inputs that results in victory, except if the player made a bad choice or something. You may not have the knowledge or skill to give those inputs, but it's something learnable.

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