
Speaking of a Wolf Pack dropping in. (Destiny)

by SonofMacPhisto @, Sunday, August 16, 2015, 15:59 (3484 days ago) @ narcogen

We were almost done with a "Kill 100 without dying" bounty when a wolf pack dropped right on her position and murdered her immediately. She was at 98 kills at the moment.

Gosh that's annoying. I feel really bad for you guys. This is a terrible introduction to shooters! :(

Is it?

Probably? Speaking from my own experience of watching my partner start with Fallout 3 (which BeardFade's story reminds me of). Moving around in a 3-d space was hard enough for her, much less defeating enemies way beyond her capabilities. The Queenbreaker is like having a Deathclaw at the entrance to Megaton for someone that just learned how to not stare at the floor.

Are video games supposed to be places where nothing bad ever happens, or where every aspect of the world is under the complete control of the player, even when there's more than one player?

No of course not I agree with this. But long time players easily miss how difficult it is for people that have NEVER played. I can pick up a shooter nowadays and do relatively ok thanks to decades of playing similar games with similar tools. Newcomers have it rough.

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